Relationship Counseling For Individuals

Finding the right person and the right relationship isn’t easy. Even when you have such great qualities. You know that you’re smart and successful, yet you keep finding yourself in unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships. Why is that? Why do you keep repeating the same pattern? 

Dating in Los Angeles is no easy task. We are home to the most beautiful men and women in the world. If that’s not intimidating enough, you’re just a swipe, text message, or DM away from pursuing or being pursued by someone else. But why does it feel like there are so many options out there while simultaneously none at all?

You’re successful in most areas of your life and are so powerful in the eyes of your peers. But in your romantic relationships, you’re insecure, jealous, and find yourself going back to the same kind of partners that you know aren’t good for you. Together we’ll dig through your past to help you understand, learn from, and grow past those patterns.

You and I will work together to address what is bothering you most right now, but more importantly, we will get to the root of your troubled relationships and work on healing. We will go over your personal history, uncover how you got to where you are now, and navigate how you can get to where you want to be. We’ll explore the patterns that were modeled for you by the relationships you saw growing up, and we’ll make connections between those relationships and the ones you’ve had throughout your life. We will work toward understanding, so that you are better equipped to attract and sustain a healthy relationship with a stable and secure partner.

As with most things, you learned how to be in relationships through life experience. Since your first relationships were formed in childhood, that’s where we’ll begin. During the early years of your life, you developed a certain style of approaching relationships and attaching to others. We’ll explore how your early relationships have affected how you approach and operate within your adult relationships. We’ll dive into how the communication and conflict styles that were modeled for you are showing up in your current relationships. Most importantly, we work on finding peace, healing and security.

Our work together will offer an understanding that will help you approach relationships in a healthier way. You will be able to recognize and choose partners who offer genuine love— without toxicity.

No man can know where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at this present place.
— Maya Angelou

frequently asked questions 


how do relationships affect your mental health?

Unhealthy and toxic relationships may leave you feeling insecure, anxious and unwanted. They wreak havoc on your confidence and lead to trouble with assertiveness, boundary setting and usually have a negative impact on your other meaningful relationships such as with friends or family.


what are the signs of a toxic relationship?

Toxic relationships take many forms. Abusive and high-conflict relationships are toxic, but those aren’t the only forms of toxicity. Being in a controlling relationship that lacks boundaries and autonomy can also be toxic. If you are constantly feeling drained and depleted by your partner, it may be time to bring in a professional to help sort everything out.


can toxic relationships be fixed?

If both partners are willing and committed to lasting change, I’d like to say that anything is possible. Healing takes work. It takes commitment and it takes help. That’s where I come in. I will walk with you on your healing journey so that you are the happiest, healthiest version of yourself for your relationship, but more importantly for you!!
